

Here you can find all our latest news, articles, and funding updates. You can also follow us on Twitter for all the latest information


The latest on upcoming events, funding notifications, and other news. 

Our Values


We will work at all times in the best interest of rural communities; we will challenge inequality and welcome diversity; we will value the unique contribution of staff, trustees, volunteers, communities and other stakeholders; we will develop and promote community leadership and empowerment.


We will work in a way, which is open and transparent, we will ensure sustainability in everything we do, we will actively recognise and promote success at all levels.


We will seek to work in partnership and recognise the benefit of collaborative relationships, we will work with all key stakeholders to identify rural needs in Nottinghamshire and we will raise the rural voice.

Social Innovation

We will provide leadership, guidance and facilitate change, we will develop and promote community leadership and empowerment, we will develop services which address gaps in provision and which build community resilience, and we will encourage enterprise and innovation.


Get in Touch

If you’d like to learn more about any of these news stories, or you have any questions about Rural Community Action Nottinghamshire, please contact us.